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Intermedia Elevate Use Case

Cloud Communications for Hospitality Businesses

3 Ways Cloud Communications Can Benefit the Hospitality Industry

Improve guest experiences, employee productivity, and operational efficiency – All with one communications platform
The hospitality industry has seen its share of transformation. Many hoteliers are focused on revitalizing the guest experience through innovative technologies that deliver more personalized guest services and support clear and efficient staff communications.
A fully integrated cloud communications platform goes a long way toward improving the guest experience – regardless of whether the guest is calling the reservation desk or checking in at reception. Empower your team to engage with guests from any location through any channel, so they spend more time serving guests and less time juggling technology. In the process, you’ll elevate the guest experience, boost employee productivity, and increase operational efficiency. 

Let’s look at three key use cases for the hospitality industry – along with the benefits, and the capabilities needed to implement each.

Deliver Superior Guest Service

Engage with your guests through preferred channels

Expectations for the hospitality industry are higher than ever. To maximize each guest interaction,
organizations need to ensure superior and responsive service for every guest, every time. Whether
calling in for a reservation, calling down to guest services, or ordering room service, you need to
provide efficient routing and minimize hold times for quick and easy resolution for every guest.

With Elevate, your teams are untethered from old technology and can interact with guests across
multiple channels, supported by integrated phone, chat, text messaging, SMS, video conferencing,
screen sharing, and more. Communicate with guests more efficiently and effectively – all within one
platform – and provide the seamless digital service and support your guests expect.

Engage on any channel

Move easily between integrated phone, chat, SMS, and call center, while minimizing transfers and dead ends with intelligent routing and self-service interactive voice response (IVRs).

Answer calls quickly

Whether making a reservation or ordering room service, caller wait times are shortened because every call can be answered from any phone, including mobile, and by any employee – regardless of location.

Keep Guests Updated

Support guests’ expectations of a seamless digital journey, from reservations to check-in and more, with text updates on room preparation and availability.

Maximize Employee Productivity

Work from wherever with integrated, mobile communications

You want your employees brimming with productivity, whether they’re greeting guests in the lobby or answering the phone. This means empowering your people to connect with guests, back-of-house staff, and suppliers – on any device, through any channel, from any location.

With Elevate, your team can easily connect with guests in person and on the phone. Reception busy greeting guests? Other staff can answer phone calls from mobile devices, even if they’re not in the lobby. Need pre-shift operational briefings across multiple locations? Turn on video conferencing and go. Checking inventory with suppliers or other locations? Move seamlessly between text messaging, video chats, and phone calls as you go from lobby to supply room and out on the road. Thanks to our feature-rich set of tightly integrated and intuitive cloud solutions, your team can easily manage call queues, transfer guests and colleagues, and log important reservation, supply, and order details. Help your people serve guests and keep your organization prepped and ready through any channel on any device from any location.

Connect from wherever

Our integrated cloud communications platform enables your staff to stay connected regardless of location. Use our Mobile App to easily answer and route calls and collaborate between admin functions and front desk.

Work smarter, not harder

Switching between channels and functionality with different applications takes time and can be frustrating. When your staff has integrated phone, chat, SMS, video conferencing, screen sharing, and file backup, they can spend more time improving the guest experience and less time on administrative tasks.

Improved responsiveness

Use our integrated call center features to answer and route calls, make reservations, and manage call queues – quickly answering guest queries and providing exceptional service.

Improve Operational Efficiency

Easily scale and flex as your business changes

Just as landline home phones are household relics, on-premises phone systems for hospitality organizations are outdated, expensive to maintain, and hard to move. Investing in a cloud communications platform helps organizations dramatically increase operational efficiency. If you have plans to add locations, move locations, or extend your current location’s footprint, Elevate makes it easy to scale in a budget-friendly manner with the same set of tools for each new site.

Scale with flexibility

Cloud-based communications platforms are easy to scale and manage. As locations open, shift footprints, or expand into larger spaces, it’s simple to create a new account, port numbers, and drop ship new phones – all from a central account.

Streamline systems

With a cloud-based communications platform, you use the same set of integrated tools across all locations. This makes it easier to connect across locations and simplifies employee relocations by eliminating the need to learn new systems.

Save Money

Old, hardwired phone systems are expensive to maintain and harder to move. Reduce operating costs with a cloud-based and flexible communications platform.

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